The Masculinity Detox


The Masculinity Detox


Identity - January 25, 2023

Attuned (to the needs of others and the needs of the moment)

The Detoxing Man is Attuned (to the needs of others and the needs of the moment).

If you have ever played a guitar, you might know that you really only need one string to be on pitch in order to tune the whole guitar. When you get the low E string to resonate just right, each one of the other strings can be tuned to that one. And yet, when you don’t have a single string that is tuned correctly, you have no chance of tuning to the right frequency. And every song you try to play will be off, sometimes by a lot.

Becoming attuned (to others  needs and the needs of the moment) is about listening first, and then listening for. 

You must listen first for the resonant frequency, the needs of others. You must try to hear the need beyond what you want to hear, what you think you should hear, and try to find the true note of understanding. Listening first for others’ needs does not mean that you discount your own, but just as you can only play a chord when the strings resonate with one another, you must become attuned to to which direction you need to move your string in order to play together. 

And that is what you are listening FOR, the harmonies that are possible when you don’t insist that everyone must match your tone or your volume. And, you are listening FOR the other instruments in the room, those that are so unlike your own strings. You may be moving too slow, and are in need of some percussion to help you keep pace. You may be sucking the air from the room, rather than letting others’ voices use it to fill the space. 

Becoming attuned (to others needs and the needs of the moment) is about listening FIRST to what is already present and not imposing your will upon it in the hopes of making everything sound more like you. It is also about Listening FOR what is possible, and actively playing a role in creating something  beautiful, even if you aren’t the lead. 


The Detoxing Man is Attuned (to the needs of others and the needs of the moment) – 2 of 30. In this series I’m tackling the multitudinous identities of the man who strives to eliminate toxic behavior within himself, his relationships, and the wider world. How have you become attuned to the needs of others and the needs of the moments in which you find yourself? #positivemasculinity #masculinitydetox #masculinity #patriarchy #resonance #heartonmysleeve

♬ original sound – TheMasculinityDetox